Monday, December 10, 2012

1 Thing Could Change Your Life

Dan Wilson is one of the richest stock market brokers in the past decade. Mr. Wilson never knew how much money he had or how much he was spending, all he knew was he could do anything he wanted. He would spend thousands of dollars a day on stuff he didn't even need he just loved to spend his money. Mr. Wilson never donated money because he believes that people should work for their own money and not take in other peoples money. Mr. Wilson wasn't very liked but everybody had to deal with him because they all knew that he knew how to make money and make the right decisions.
         Growing up Mr. Wilson was in a very wealthy family. His dad was a successful CEO of a large corporation and his mother was a writer. His mother had many best sellers for three decades being one of the top writers of their time. Mr. Wilson had gone to an expensive private school full of other kids whose parents were well off. He didn't have many friends at his school because he sees others as competition and his way of thinking was that he wanted to be the best. He wasn't a bad kid and rarely got into any trouble, but he was more of a loner always keeping to himself. To this day Mr. Wilson has never been close to anyone and hasn't ever had a serious relationship with a woman. He only seemed to care about was making money which was what made him happy and that nothing else did.
        Mr. Wilson woke up at the same time he always did, doing all his morning routines as he did everyday before work. There was nothing different about this day, he was going into work to make more money for himself. He always walked to work since he only lived a few blocks away from his work. When he got to work he talked to some people asking anybody if they had any inside scoops about the day and what were good trades to make. He decided that this morning he was going to buy some expensive stock in what he thought were sure bets to make profit. The day was going great he already was making profits by selling off some other shares he had owned so he decided around lunchtime he was going to go out for lunch.
        Mr. Wilson walked down the street to a local restaurant called The Kings Restaurant. He ordered a big   burger which they were famous for. After his lunch he walked back towards the office, But when he looked through the front entrance he saw people running around all frantic and yelling. He ran in finding the closest person and grabbing them and asked what happened. He found out the Stock Market was crashing and he better start selling or else he was going to lose millions. Mr. Wilson ran to his computer to check his stocks, and he saw the guy was right all his stocks went down dramatically. He had lost already most of his money in stocks. Mr. Wilson being such a successful trader had put all his money in stock years before which had turned out now to be a bad idea. He thought no way this could happen it had to be a glitch in the system. When he finally realized it was really happening he quickly sold all his stocks for huge losses.
          It was 6 p.m. Mr. Wilson had just gotten back to his apartment and poured himself a drink. He was quite upset, in just one day he had lost nearly all his money. He knew looking around his apartment that his life was going to be dramatically changed. He poured himself a couple more glasses and decided to go to sleep, hoping something would change in the morning.
          He woke up the next morning got ready and decided to head to work a little early to see if there was any news. He got to work hoping somebody was going to tell him all of yesterday was a glitch and that all his money was going to be back. Instead when he got there he found out he was going to have to change his life. He Knew that he would never get that money back and that investing any more money in the market now would just add to his losses. He decided he was going to have to find a new job, find somewhere new to live, since he could no longer afford his lifestyle. He had barely any money left and he had nobody to help him out. His parents had died 7 years earlier in a car crash, and since he didn't have any money left, his rich friends stopped being his friend.
          Since the crash he found a cheap apartment that was a lot less nicer that his old one but it was the only one he could afford. He had to apply for welfare checks to help him get through each day. He turned to alcohol and abused it. He couldn't keep a steady job because of him abusing alcohol and even got arrested for a DUI. Mr. Wilson has now turned into the people he once wished never existed and thought they did it to there selves, that it was easy to get money and nobody deserves welfare. Before this he had never understood this way of life, that the people in his new situation are actually more hard working then the people who are making all the money.

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