Today was the first day of school which had me very nervous because i was a nobody with no friends. I had moved here from my hometown in the summer of my senior year. I knew school was going to be tough because by senior year in high school people are already in groups and don't accept outsiders. I had hope though that i would find friends and have that senior year everyone dreams of.
I drove my old 99 malibu to school and parked in the back of the parking lot, trying not to draw attention to myself. My thought for the day was to stay positive and talk to a few kids and try to make some friends. My first class i had was English, nobody even noticed i was there. They all just talked to their friends about how great their summer was and about all the parties coming up. I didn't think to much of this just thought oh well one bad class to deal with. But as i went to all my other classes the same thing happened and not a single person had even said anything to me besides the teacher taking attendance. I didn't think it was going to be this tough to make friends or to even talk to a person in school like this, but i realized that i was going to have to put effort forth and put myself out there.
I drove home which was just down the street, it only took me a few minutes to the school and home. When i walked in the door my mom came running down the stairs to ask me how my first day as a senior ast a whole new school was. I think she was expecting some exciting story about meeting a whole bunch of new people but instead i just replied "fine mom". She knew from the tone of my voice this it wasn't fine so she told me to tell her what really happened at school. so i said " nobody even talked to me or even glanced near me the whole day!" She replied telling me that its going to take awhile and it wasn't going to be easy and all i can do is be nice and to try and just say hello to a few people and see where it goes. I said alright i mean it sounded easy enough so i decided i would try and be friendly and say hi to a few people. Maybe it will work maybe it won't but it's worth trying.
The next day i parked in the same spot in the back of the parking lot. I walked into my first class of the day being Math, my worst subject, and when i went to my seat i said hey to the girl whose seat was next to me. She didn't say anything back but she did smile which i took as a hello, so i guess its worked so far. In the middle of class the girl that sat next to me leaned over and said " hey do you have an extra pencil i could borrow?" I did happen to bring an extra pencil today so i gave it to her saying she could keep it. It wasn't much of a conversation but it was the first thing anybody had really said to me in the school, so i must say i was pretty excited. As i went through my other classes i would say hi so some of the kids in the class some would say hi back and others would smile but nobody really said much to me. I was alright with this because i thought this was a good start, at least they know i am a pretty nice kid.
When i got home today my mother didn't run up to me asking me how it was, instead i ran around the whole house trying to find her which i found her in the kitchen. She asked me if i had a good day and i said i had a great day, i took your advice and its working. I could tell she was happy for me but she said she had to leave and go run errands and i would have the house to myself for awhile.
I couldn't fall asleep at all during the night i was too excited for school, which i had never been in my life. But i guess the thought of making friends just got me excited. I eventually did fall asleep but i kept waking up thinking it was time to get ready. It came time to get up and get ready for school, so i got quickly and actually had a smile on my face the whole morning. I even got to school early but still decided for my back parking spot.
In my classes today i was nice and even got into some conversation with a couple kids in different classes. The conversations weren't anything special mostly just about what we were doing in the class and how to do it. I felt a lot more involved in school trying to meet new people, i was more focused on that than my actual school work.
By the end of the first week of school a few kids in my classes actually knew my name and i knew theirs. One step closer to becoming real friends, just have to keep being nice and helpful. The girl in my math class who was the first person to talk to me told me that she was single and i must say i felt more than wanting to be friends with her but that would be a while.
Days would go by and after a few weeks i actually would people started to consider me a friend and they would even introduce me to new people that weren't in my classes. I even got asked to sit with a few kids at their lunch table, which i was thankful for because i hated eating my lunch by myself. After about 2 months i felt apart of a group of friends. They were all like me nice kids, who got good grades but still liked to have fun. We would hang out on weekends and they would invite me to some of their parties or anything new that was happening and i would go to most of what they invited me to. My mom would often say that i actually look a lot happier here than i ever did in our hometown. I kinda think shes right but i guess that's what happens when you start things off right by being nice.
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